I know that is true, but we must bloom where we are planted,
act on the issues at hand & I am a medical marijuana patient, so I have
learned a bit about the issue on a very personal level. The issue of cannabis
reform encompasses so many other issues solving Cannabis Legalization is
solving one of the greatest tragedies of our times. The issue hides well in the
shadows but the true number of Americans targeted in the War on Drugs who
battle over cannabis is measured in the tens of millions, with eight hundred
thousand falling each year, lives destroyed by an arrest for cannabis
possession, reputations ruined, property seized, careers destroyed, suffering
patients denied comfort & cure. Cannabis prohibition does not make our country
safer or happier. It empowers criminals and prison keepers, both of whom makes
money off of enslaving the common man. It turns the common citizen into an
outlaw fearful and distrust of their government. For medical justice, social
justice, and economic justice, America is ready to move into the 21st
century and face cannabis reform, admit our government has a “War on Drugs”
problem and begin to heal these 76 years
of injustice since cannabis, a medicine used internationally for thousands of
years, was made illegal. Every step we take towards ending the madness,
establishing structures for taxation and
regulation, and encouraging the business development and scientific innovation
cannabis offers.
This is why I have been working with LEAP (Law Enforcement
Against Prohibition) for nearly a year to connect citizens to activists and activists
to legislators to get revisions in state Medical Marijuana laws. This is why I
have independently taken the issue directly to the statehouse for talks with
state representatives to help the public’s voice be heard. This is why I am
heading to Sierra Vista and why I hope we will all be a little more NORML in
the future. Please help me further this fight.
the website:
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Ask Julie how YOU can help
Contact me to set up an event in your area. We belong
anywhere YOU think a Democrat should be:
Mikel Weisser
Sundown Dr
AZ 86413
message paid for by Mikel Weisser for US Congress
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