Last year’s travels started at Occupy San Diego where the
Occupy Walkers formed, who then walked up to join with Occupy L.A. and immersed
themselves in the protest till the L.A. encampment was torn down during the
national crackdown on Occupy encampments in the winter of 2011. Some continued
onto Chicago to join in the NATO protests. Some were in Philadelphia at the
National Occupy Gathering Fourth of July in Philadelphia, just up the street
from where I was part of the Arizona delegation at the 99% Convention. Both I
& my fellow Western AZ delegate Barbara Wall had hosted the Walkers. Finding
them there among the thousands was like a homecoming 2400 miles from home. All
the while they traveled, the Walkers networked with activist groups in cities
and towns across the country. They blogged, posted & tweeted their little
hearts out and regularly stopped traffic as curious people gawked at their
procession. They talked to thousands and were interviewed in dozens of communities.
Their stories were shared on Facebook, Truthout & with video, as well as
their ongoing blog.
This year the plan was different. The “Ides
of March” is Billie’s inspiration: envisioned as a cross-country call to action,
Terzin started in Oceanside, CA and he aims to end up on Congress’s front door
a full year later in March 15, 2014. It had been more than a year since I had
last seen William; but once again, he was a source of immense wisdom &
inspiration. Wall Street Swindles, Mortgage Fraud, Corporate Lobbying, Private Prisons
and the strengths and weaknesses of lateral or de-centralized disorganization
(the Occupy-style group consensus approach), Billy has been there and knows
about it.
This year passing through from Vegas toward Flag’ once more,
Billie stopped in Kingman and got to visit both with me in So-Hi and Kingman and
with my office assistant, Ms Julie Thompson for two days so he could talk to
community groups up in Dolan Springs. This
Saturday, April 20th, Terzin, Occupiers around the region and the
remnants of Kingman Occupy aim to gather once more in Locomotive Park at the
intersection of Beale & Andy Devine to return to Kingman’s Occupy spirit
and take the March for Progress back to the streets. For the better part of a
year, local Kingman activists gathered in the park beside its namesake locomotive,
stood smilingly on the street corner and waved signs and high-fives to the
passersby and endless stream of cruising vehicles on Saturday afternoons here
in Kingman.
And I had been part of that. From high school students
getting their first taste of activism, to seniors nearing retirement, teachers,
tourists, toddlers, mostly Democrats but not only, sometimes as many as 30,
mostly 6-12 of us showed up every week because we were dedicated to the idea
that the crisis in America was too large not take action, to not start working
to wake the world up. One afternoon in mid-January, when our jolly little
Occupy effort had outlasted many protests in bigger cities, we decided that
after the rally we would gather at a nearby restaurant for late lunch. We were
alive with ideas. The talk turned to the newly completed redistricting process
and the potential candidates for the various races. Somebody said there was no
Democrat running in our new Congressional District, CD-4. Somebody else jokingly
said, “Mikel should run—“
--& here we are today. So it is good to be re-occupied
with working to address the goals of the Occupy
Get money out of politics.
Re-instate Glass-Steagall
Stop the offshoring of American jobs.
Stop cutting government.
Take care of our veterans and our homeless.
Healthcare for all.
Save grads from crushing student loan debt.
End bank fees.
End the wars and pass a tax to pay for them.
Stop the Homeland Security driven crackdowns on people exercising
their Constitutional rights to assemble and speak freely.
Return ethics and honesty to journalism by reinstating the
Fairness Doctrine.
Close tax loopholes so that every entity, human or corporate, pays
their fair share.
End “police brutality” by fairly investigating reports of such.
End the Patriot Act.
End the Federal Reserve Bank’s existence as a non-profit
corporation and move its functions into the Department of the Treasury,
Abolish any “anti-homeless” law that makes sitting on a sidewalk
an arrestable offense.
Do NOT interrupt anybody’s Facebook, YouTube, ulead or other
social networking for any reason. Stop SOPA & PIPA & ACTA!
Amend NDAA and stop indefinite detention without trial
While there is far from an overall alignment of goals, you
can clearly see where some of these ideas inspired the
platform I would eventually run on and which still inspire me today.
If these ideas still inspire you I hope you will join us at Locomotive Park, in
Kingman, AZ, noon till 1pm for a Kingman Occupy Protest.
the website:
Help Make Change Now:
Ask Julie how YOU can help
Contact me to set up an event in your area. We belong
anywhere YOU think a Democrat should be:
Mikel Weisser
Sundown Dr
AZ 86413
message paid for by Mikel Weisser for US Congress
here: yzurthemepark@gmail.com
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